Emergency Contact : 055 571 0041


Emergency Certificate


Eligible Indian Nationals can apply online for an Emergency Certificate (EC). The following steps are to be followed: 

  1. Open https://portal3.passportindia.gov.in/Online/index.html;

  2. Register by clicking on "Register" Link.

  3. Select "Kyrgyzstan-Bishkek" in the box against Indian Mission;

  4. Login with the registered Login ID and Password on "User Login" link

  5. In the Applicant Home Page, click on "Apply for Emergency Certificate" link to file a new application.

  6. After filling up the application online, a print-out / hard copy of the application along with the self-attested copies of all requisite documents (as mentioned below) is required to be submitted directly at the Embassy. 

2. The following documents are required to be submitted along with the application for the EC: 

  1. Copy of the Indian passport, if available

  2. Residence permit and its copy, if applicable

  3. Police complaint in original regarding loss/theft of Passport

  4. Flight ticket to India

  5. Two Photographs 

3. Please note that EC is a one-way travel document to India from a foreign country.

